
Monday, March 21, 2016

Salvation at The Cross of Calvary.

"It is Finished"!

The act of Christ dying on the cross for our salvation and access to heaven justified us to God and God and His Son in dealing with the rebellion of Satan.  It is seen that for the salvation of a fallen race, the Ruler of the universe had made the greatest sacrifice which love could make. 

One of the most solemn and yet most glorious truths revealed in the Bible is that of Christ’s second coming to complete the work of redemption.  To God’s people, a precious, joy inspiring hope is in His promise of His appearing again to take His people to their home in heaven. 

Christ’s second coming is the very keynote of the scriptures.  From the day when Adam and Eve turned away from Eden, we have waited for the coming of Jesus to break Satan’s power on the human race and bring back Paradise.  The coming of Christ to usher in the reign of righteousness has inspired and impassioned writers from all levels from poets to prophets, the Bible’s words have dwelt upon the hearts of those who seek redemption.

The assurance that Jesus Christ will come a second time finds a large place in the Scriptures and in the hearts of those who believe in Him and is the keynote of prophecy throughout the Bible.  Those who truly love Jesus can rejoice and be assured that His promise will be fulfilled and eternal life is in the reach of all those who receive Him.

It will be at that great day in time which this world will come to an end and an eternity with Christ will begin.  Christ will deliver all who gloriously and truly love and obey Him.  He will be coming back as King of kings and Lord of Lords!