
Showing posts from February 23, 2014


Keep in mind that it is natural in this world where so many are striving for distinction, to make special those who have distinguished themselves.  In the twenty first century Celebrity worship is a staple of the world.  Because of their wealth and their media exposure, there are extremely powerful and influential people in all walks of life. This type of power is not a part of God’s kingdom. Powerful people know that they’re powerful.  The church should be the one place where this earthly power has no influence at all because we are all brothers and sisters alike in Christ, regardless of societal or political rank, wealth or race. "It is by no casual, accidental touch that wealthy, world-loving, world-worshiping souls can be drawn to Christ. These persons are often the most difficult of access. Personal effort must be put forth for them by men and women imbued with the missionary spirit, those who will not fail or be discouraged."  (Ellen G. White, The Min...


The early disciples were not naturally equipped with the courage or the strength of the mind that would be needed to go up against someone with great power.  This was given to them through the power of the Holy Spirit when it was needed, but normally the early disciples were just common ordinary men and women. This is what makes what Peter and John did so incredible.  These were just ordinary commoners going up against the most rich and powerful in the land in that day. There were a number of priests who, in serving their allotted week's Temple service (Luke 1:8, 23), were not far from Salomon's Colonnade.  They were able to hear Peter's declarations about Jesus as the Messiah. This alarmed them at what they considered dangerous teaching against Jewish authority.  Think about it.  There are a lot of countries in the world today that do not have freedom of speech as found in the United States of America.  The news is full of horrow stories of what ha...