Catholic Church Tries To Draw Christians Back To Rome And To Pre-Reformation Faith.

The following article applies to all denominations in the world today and it does not apply to the members of any church denomination. It applies only to the OFFICIALS WHO RUN THE CHURCH. So, before all of you critics head out to the shed for your pitch forks and torches, please read the article first. Then you can head for the pitchforks. We are all truly one church and as long as a person believes in Jesus Christ as the Son of God we are all one family under God. The caveat here is that you must stand on the Word of God alone, the Bible. "Five hundred years ago, Martin Luther posted his 95 Theses—and the world has never been the same since. But what has not changed is the Word of God and the truths in the Word that gave Luther the theological foundation to challenge Rome...Luther found the great truth of “justification by faith” alone. "It was in regard to this truth, too, that Luther—defying the powers and principalities of the wo...