When Adam and Eve decided to follow an alternative life style, similar to the way we live our lives today, apart from God and the Bible, they insured the truth in the statement made by God that “. . . you surely will die . . .”. As did with Adam and Eve and Enoch, that is what happens to us today, we “. . . surely will die . . .”.
Adam committed a sin. That sin was turning his back on God. Because
of this, man, down through the ages has been dying. We do not know how
to act. We do not know how to live our lives so we can live forever.
Look at the world today. It is a disgusting mess. Wars, famines,
disease, murders, rapes, drug abuse, alcoholism, child abuse, sexual
immorality of all kinds, aides. All these are man made. If Christians
actually did live by the laws of God they wouldn’t die. The simple fact
is that we do not because we can’t. Mankind has been killing himself
down through the ages all because Adam and Eve decided they could
determine right from wrong. When Adam and Eve sinned, God sentenced
mankind, all of mankind including Christians, to a punishment. That punishment we are all sentenced to is to die a first death.
Therefore, just as sin entered the world through one man, and death through sin, and in this way death came to all men, because all sinned. (Romans 5:12)
God is telling us a simple truth, death will come to all men, this would include Christians. Death is man’s punishment for the sin of Adam. Because of Adam all men will endure that punishment. What kind of punishment would it be if that when we die we are immediately whisked to heaven to be with Jesus Christ and God. That would be no punishment at all. The Bible does tell us that we die. It does not say Christians die and then immediately go to heaven. It is not in scripture. This doctrine is simply false.
Do not fear though, God does offer eternal life to all men.
Therefore, just as sin entered the world through one man, and death through sin, and in this way death came to all men, because all sinned. (Romans 5:12)
God is telling us a simple truth, death will come to all men, this would include Christians. Death is man’s punishment for the sin of Adam. Because of Adam all men will endure that punishment. What kind of punishment would it be if that when we die we are immediately whisked to heaven to be with Jesus Christ and God. That would be no punishment at all. The Bible does tell us that we die. It does not say Christians die and then immediately go to heaven. It is not in scripture. This doctrine is simply false.
Do not fear though, God does offer eternal life to all men.