
Monday, April 27, 2020

Who Are The "Bereans" and Why Should We Care?

The Bereans "received the word with all readiness, and searched the Scriptures daily to find out whether these things were so" (Acts 17:10-11).

In ancient times, the Bereans were the inhabitants of the city of Berea, also known in the Bible as Beroea, now known as Veria in what is today Greek Macedonia, northern Greece. The name has been taken up by certain Protestant groups. (

A new Protestant Christian group began in the 1850s in the United States under the tutelage of Dr. John Thomas. The name "Christadelphian" was chosen as it is believed that those who believe and obey the Commandments of Christ and the Bible as the inspired word of God, are "Brethren in Christ". The original group split, with one group continuing with the name "The Christadelphians" and the second group adding the word "Berean" to become the "Berean Christadelphians". 

The word "Berean" was chosen to reflect the words in Acts 17, "These (Berea) were more noble than those in Thessalonica in that they received the word with all readiness of mind and searched the scriptures daily whether those things were so." Christadelphians, and Berean Christadelphians believe in the promises given to AbrahamIsaac, and David concerning the Kingdom of God. 

They deny the Doctrine of the Trinity, a central tenet of orthodox Christianity, and this refusal to recognize the triune nature of God has resulted in a major impasse between the Christadelphians/Berean Christadelphians and the Protestant, Catholic, and Eastern Orthodox churches. (

Today, online there is a website that you can join that disseminates Biblical truths on a daily basis.  The truth that they write about is always backed up by the Holy scriptures.

If you are a person that sincerely believes that the Bible is the ultimate word, then you owe it to yourself to keep your mind open to what they write.  That does not mean that you should take everything they write at face value.  What you do need to do is compare what they write with what you find written in the Bible comparing their scripture references with at least two other scripture references, and then take what you find to God in prayer.

This is what you should be doing with all doctrine of man.  The fact is, the only real truth is what you get directly from God.