

There is so much compelling evidence for the accuracy of Bible prophecy that it is a shame so many people do not read and or understand it.  The message in the prophecy is directed to our time, right now.  Many Christians have this false belief that Bible prophecy only deals with the past and that is so far from the actual truth.  There is so much past presented in Bible prophecy for two main reasons.  It is there for evidence of God and the truth He is trying to convey to man.  It is also there to give you something concrete to pin your faith to. Christians need to read the Bible.  Christians more importantly need to understand the message in the Bible and Prophecy is a big part of that message. OTHER ARTICLES ABOUT BIBLE PROPHECY AND ENDTIME EVENTS:

The Sabbath Commandment Needs To Be Kept.

A person needs to keep the Sabbath commandment just as he keeps all the other commandments.  You really need to reread the New Testament, again, if you think differently.   The Sabbath Commandment was never abolished and it remains the same day of the week as the Old Testament identifies it. 1  Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them. 2  And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made. 3  And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made.  (Genesis 2:1-3). It clearly identifies the seventh day of the week, not the first day.  If you think otherwise, you are only fooling yourself, and ultimately God will hold you accountable. 2 Timothy 3:15-17 says: " And that from a child you have known the holy scriptures, which are able to make you wise...

Why has the theory of evolution become so entrenched in today’s society?

BOOK PREVIEW - The terms soul and spirit have been discussed at length throughout philosophy, literature, and religion. Even scientists have ventured remarks about the soul. Often, though, soul and spirit are interpreted to mean the same thing and end up being used interchangeably. DO YOU KNOW WHAT YOUR SOUL AND YOUR SPIRIT ARE? DO YOU KNOW WHAT THEY WILL BE DOING AFTER YOU DIE? READ THIS BOOK AND FIND OUT! Why has the theory of evolution become so entrenched in today’s society?    “ Why has evolution become so widely accepted, and why has the Bible come to be viewed with such hostility? Have you ever wondered  about any of these questions?  If you have, then you should read the book. BUY IT NOW!! ARE YOU INTERESTED IN WHAT THE PARANORMAL IS ACTUALLY ABOUT? THIS BOOK GIVES YOU SCIENTIFIC PROOF THAT THE PARANORMAL CAN BE EXPLAINED! YOUR SOUL And YOUR SPIRIT .


A MAN BORN BLIND RECEIVES SIGHT. John 9:12-31   King James Version (KJV) 12  Then said they unto him, Where is he? He said, I know not. 13  They brought to the Pharisees him that aforetime was blind. 14  And it was the sabbath day when Jesus made the clay, and opened his eyes. 15  Then again the Pharisees also asked him how he had received his sight. He said unto them, He put clay upon mine eyes, and I washed, and do see. In this passage, the man was blind from birth, he was also a beggar who had the routine of waiting by the gates of the temple for gifts from the worshipers. In those days it was commonly thought that a sickness was a result of sin and that if the parents committed a sin, it was transferred to the child of those parents.  But Jesus rejected this idea. In this particular situation, God allowed the man to be born blind so that Jesus could heal him and reveal the works of God through the man Jesus Christ so that ...


Acts 24:14 But this I confess to you, that according to the Way which they call a sect, so I worship the God of my fathers, believing all things which are written in the Law and in the Prophets.  ( New King James Version)   "Paul is on trial before Felix, the governor. "They" refers to the Jews. Paul says, "I confess," as he is giving testimony. He is a witness before a court, as he is on trial. "The way" is Christianity, which the Jews call a heresy. ""Believing all things which are written in the law and in the prophets" is really an astounding statement in light of what has gone on in Protestantism over the past few hundred years. The very man whom they say wrote most clearly and lucidly that "the law is done away" is the one who says he believes  all things  that are written in the Law and the Prophets. There is absolutely nothing in the Law and the Prophets that says anything at all about the doing away with...

Do Your Immediate Cravings And Yearnings Present Stumbling-blocks To Your Relationship With God.

HOW IS YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD or DID YO COME ACROSS A "STUMBLING BLOCK"     Genesis 25:29-34 (29) Now Jacob cooked a stew; and Esau came in from the field, and he  was  weary. (30) And Esau said to Jacob, "Please feed me with that same red  stew,  for I  am  weary." Therefore his name was called Edom. (31) But Jacob said, "Sell me your birthright as of this day." (32) And Esau said, "Look, I  am  about to die; so what  is  this birthright to me?" (33) Then Jacob said, "Swear to me as of this day." So he swore to him, and sold his birthright to Jacob. (34) And Jacob gave Esau bread and stew of lentils; then he ate and drank, arose, and went his way. Thus Esau despised  his  birthright.  New King James Version "Perhaps never in all man's history has something so valuable been purchased for so little! The major flaw in Esau's character reveals itself in his careless disregard of the high value of his bi...

Jesus began His ministry on a Sabbath. His ministry ended on a preparation day, Passover.

  Luke 4:16-19 So He came to Nazareth, where He had been brought up. And as His custom was, He went into the synagogue on the Sabbath day, and stood up to read.  And He was handed the book of the prophet Isaiah. And when He had opened the book, He found the place where it was written: "The Spirit of the LORD  is   upon Me, Because He has anointed Me To preach the gospel to   the   poor; He has sent Me   to heal the brokenhearted, To proclaim liberty to   the   captives And recovery of sight to   the   blind, To   set at liberty those who are   oppressed; To proclaim the acceptable year of the LORD." ( New King James Version) "This is the beginning of  Jesus ' public ministry, we could call it His inaugural address. Jesus began His ministry on a  Sabbath . His ministry ended on a preparation day,  Passover . He completed the cycle. Major things happened to Christ on the Sabbath,...

Who Are The "Bereans" and Why Should We Care?

The Bereans "received the word with all readiness, and searched the Scriptures daily to find out whether these things were so" (Acts 17:10-11). In ancient times, the  Bereans  were the inhabitants of the city of  Berea , also known in the  Bible  as Beroea, now known as  Veria  in what is today Greek Macedonia,  northern Greece . The name has been taken up by certain  Protestant  groups.  ( ) A new Protestant Christian group began in the 1850s in the United States under the tutelage of Dr. John Thomas. The name " Christadelphian " was chosen as it is believed that those who believe and obey the  Commandments of Christ  and the Bible as the inspired word of God, are "Brethren in Christ". The original group split, with one group continuing with the name "The Christadelphians" and the second group adding the word "Berean" to become the " Berean Christadelphians ".  The word ...